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You are kindly invited to submit an abstract for a poster and/or presentation at the Conference before 19th January 2024. 


Accepted abstracts will be published in a special edition of the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. Please note that abstract submission is by no means a requirement to attend IFW.

You can submit abstracts to the following categories.

Poster: Visual representation of study results by a poster displayed in the conference venue during the entire conference duration and presented to the conference participants during the poster session.


Oral presentation: 15 min presentation + 5 min for discussions presented in Singapore as part of one of the parallel thematic sessions.


Pre-recorded oral presentation: 15 min pre-recorded presentation hosted on the Insects to Feed the World Conference online platform. This option is intended for those who are only able to attend virtually. This option is intended for those who are only able to attend virtually.


All abstracts should be written in English with standard scientific format with a brief introduction, methods, results, and discussion followed by a conclusion. Preference will be given to abstracts that include quantitative results. All presenters must confirm their participation by registering and paying the conference fee by latest by 7th April 2024 (early bird and presenting author registration deadline).

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: 19th January 2024

Announcement of results: 22nd March 2024

Early bird registration and author registration deadline: 7th April 2024

Plenary and parallel discussion sessions will be devoted to the following topics:

  • 01 - Insect diets, nutrition and physiology

  • 02 - Insects for waste management and bioaccumulation

  • 03 - Insect production systems engineering, digitalisation and automation

  • 04 - Insect processing, product characterisation and food safety

  • 05 - Insects as food, product development and consumer acceptance

  • 06 - Insects as feed ingredients, in diet formulations, for growth and health outcomes

  • 07 - Insect products and frass for non-food applications, biofuels and bioactives

  • 08 - Insect breeding, genetics and behaviour

  • 09 - Insect biotechnology, microbiology and microbiome

  • 10 - Insect health, biosecurity and ethics

  • 11 - Insect quality control, legislation and policy recommendations

  • 12 - Insect environmental sustainability and economics

  • 13 - Insect as traditional foods, food security and cultural perspectives

If you are interested in presenting your work during this conference, please submit your abstract before January 19th, 2024.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please read the following instructions and follow the three steps carefully before submitting your work

1. Step: Create an account in the OASES submission System

Before being able to submit an abstract, you need to sign up for an account in the OASES system (JIFF submission platform). Click here to sign up for  an account in the OASES system.

2. Step:  Submit your Abstract

All abstracts are written and presented in English. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors.


Abstracts must not exceed 2,500 key strokes, including title, authors and addresses, and including spaces and punctuation.

The title of your abstract can take up to 120 key strokes, including spaces.

Accepted abstracts will be published as supplement of the "Journal of Insects as Food and Feed".

Referees will decide whether abstracts are accepted (with amendments, if necessary) and, if accepted, whether they should be oral papers or posters. They will also assign oral papers to the most appropriate sessions for the symposium.


A final decision regarding acceptance of your abstract and form of presentation will be provided to you by email no later than 22nd March 2024.

The presenting author should be indicated clearly. Be aware that if this presenting author does not register for the conference by 7th April 2024, your contribution will be removed from the programme and the published abstract compilation.


Note: messages will be sent to you by please make sure to add this address to your green list in order to avoid messages ending up in your spam folder.


3. Step: Register for IFW 2024

Following the notification of abstract acceptance on 22nd March 2024, you are required to register for the conference, in case you have not already registered before. The deadline for author registration is 7th April 2024.

Event Organiser:

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Professional Congress Organiser:


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